Monday, May 5, 2008

Johnson Reunion News **May 5, 2008**

Hello Johnson Family...

I'm really new to this blogging stuff, and I'm learning with the "total" help of my daughter, Naomi, so please be gentle with my boo-boos and failings.

As all of you "older" Johnson's know, for awhile we had a family newsletter called the "Johnson Tattler". It was around for 5-6 years, can't remember just how long now, but with work schedules changing and some dramatic life changes, it just eventually went to never-never land.

While we were in East Texas this weekend for our families "25th "consecutive" year of Reunions, there was a meeting of the "First Cousins Club". Now, I'm not real sure about everything that was discussed, because this ole' gal, took a sight seeing tour down to my dad's trailer, got comfy with some blankets and a pillow and fell asleep on the front porch. (and NO, I don't feel guilty about felt But I did miss out on some good conversation I was told.

Gloria Nell was telling me about some things later that day that they had talked about, and then we started thinking, maybe it was time to "resurrect" the Tattler...but a bit different...maybe online, instead of paper, and with just updated family news that everyone would like to know. We really felt like this might be a good way to keep family informed on what's going on, etc.

I know some of our family members don't have access to the internet, but we were hoping for those that don't, then maybe they could sweet-talk someone close to them that does have internet access to print them copies, or let them in on our secrets.

I believe Claudia has run across some new-found "Alexander" relatives that we thought might also be interested in knowing a bit of what's going on with our side also...I mean think about it...MAYBE...we aren't the ONLY family that truly has "fallen off the turnip truck one too many times". Maybe there are MORE of US! Oh geez...I just scared myself with that thought...oh well.

Sooooo...this is our thinking...(now remember, our light bulbs sometimes are kind of be gentle with us...) I'm going to "try" to figure out how to do this blog, and with the help of some others, who don't know they're gonna help as of this writing, but will soon...we're going to try to keep you as updated to the latest info we know on everyone that we can. So we'll need help from all of you out there in Johnson Land also...if you know of any kind of information you think the family would find interesting, PLEASE...let me know via email, so i can get it posted ASAP. My email address is


Naomi said...

Great job! I think this is a great idea and a great way to stay up to date on the Johnson "happenings".

Cindy said...

Hey...those r some good looking wait...they're! luv u guys
