Wednesday, May 7, 2008

First Cousins Club

I haven't heard back from everyone, so will just pass on the ideas we talked about for next years reunion.

We mainly want to "revitalize" the silent auction and get the excitement back in it.

1. Gloria said she has an old cookbook from Galloway, that had recipes in it from
several of our family members.. She thought maybe she'd make at least 2 copies for sale
2. We could possibly make a cookbook for the younger generation.
(I guess have them send in recipes)
3. Any who can make something homemade like crafts, paintings, furniture, etc. We just
need something that would really get that old competitive spirit back into the auction
like we used to have.
4. An "Official Silent Auction Committee" could be formed, so that everything wouldn't have
to be done at the last minute. This committee can call on volunteers to take care of an
area that may need attention.

I seem to remember someone already who "volunteered" to be on the committee. Don't
know if I dreamed it or wished it. Check with Gloria on that one also.

5. We talked about forming a FIRST COUSINS CLUB.

Hope this helps.

love ya! geraldine

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