Wednesday, August 13, 2008

News from Mary Ellen!

Hi,These are pictures we took today at my chemo session, and thought I would share. The room is set up in a U shape. The chairs face the outside, overlooking a garden. They have always had a few plants with the fountain. It was very pretty, with a peaceful calm.Monday morning when the staff arrived for work, they were greeted with a pleasant surprise. The pictures do not capture the how wonderful the garden now looks. There must be 50 or more flamingos, (the pink ones in the center, little flamingo with wings, flamingo heads thoughout the plants) and lots of new plants. The pictures don't show all of the plants.They said this was all done over the weekend by an annoymous donor. I hope that person knows how much it is being enjoyed.

Cindy, I thought you would really enjoy this!!


PS...i'm gonna try to post the pictures...wish me luck!

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