Monday, September 29, 2008

Galveston-Crystal Beach weblinks

Hurricane Ike Updates...

I think we all have power again...thank you God...we are spoiled yes, and like I said before...we love it. The stores in our area are not open their normal hours yet, every day more and more seem to be getting back to normal a little more, but the grocery stores just aren't the same...cheese seems to be a luxury at least we can find it most of the time.

Everyone I've talked to so far, has minor damages, lots of trees, but minor, with one exception that I know of. Naomi's husband, Mike...his father and brother who "lived" in San Leon. Their home is still physically intact, but it was severely flooded from Ike and is no longer liveable. They have salvaged what they could from the upstairs, and they are physically ok, but they for now are living with Naomi and Mike in Pasadena. Mike's dad is not in very good shape health wise, he's on oxygen and various other breathing machines, so not having power was difficult for him. He was able to connect to a neighbors generator with an extension cord to help as much as possible with his breathing problems. But he says it's a lot better than sleeping on the hood of his car, which he did for a brief time. Nobody's landlines or cell phones worked for awhile, so finding someone was a bit difficult.

Mike's dad is trying to work with FEMA for a temporary housing situation. But for right now, he'll be with Naomi and Mike, as will be Mike's brother, Aaron, but they're alive and well...just displaced right now.

If you know information of others, please let me know, so I can post it for everyone's benefit.

I believe some in LA. had some flooding, but not sure about the extent of damages, etc.

Thanks a lot.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hurricane Ike Updates...Debbie/Clyde

We got our power on about 1 hour ago...YEA !!!!! It was starting to get hotter each day. Nice to know we don't have to fight or hunt for free ice & water !!! Or gas...We just got gas in our town 2 days ago. debbie

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hurricane Ike Link

Hurricane Ike Updates

We're back online...thank God for that...and for electricity...yes, we are all spoiled rotten, but I love it...and I think if we're all honest with ourselves...we all are.

What do u say after a hurricane?? Thank God we're all alive...cry...praise God more...and cry more...then grow up a bit more, and start the work of rebuilding...but I'm so glateful it's rebuilding and not search and recovery...not for our families anyway. But our hearts break everytime we see more pictures...and as time slowly creeps by us right now, we are slowly seeing more and more news stories and right now we seem to cry at the blink of an eye...when a dog walks by...when a tree limb moves...and ... when the wind blows...never thought I'd not like the sound of the wind blowing...but at least the winds are quiet and peaceful once again...thank you God. I know one day the sounds of the wind will also quiet down and be peaceful again.

But for right now as all of us who have gone through a hurricane know...we just buckle down, pull together and keep putting one foot in front of the other one again. God has not brought us this far without a reason...and like he's done so many times in the past, he will carry us through this and help us all heal.

As far as I know at this point, Gloria Nell and Greg are fine...major tree damage like everyone else in the surrounding counties. Naomi and Mike lost some fenceline and tree damage...we had a small section of boards at the garage tear up, Michael lost a bit of his chimneystack, Susan and Paul were tree damage. Naomi's father-in-law, had 3 1/2 - 4 feet of water in his home in San Leon. Scott's mom and dad, had a large tree uproot in their backyard, but it landed on a nearby gazebo, which took the major hit...their backyard is tore up pretty bad, so you can't tell too much of the housing damage, but it's not leaking, so we don't think it tore up the roofline too badly...but there's just too much tree damage/etc in their backyard to check right now. Pop is in E. Tx. where he has power and is fine. Nicole couldn't leave the hospital, but she was ok. And Scott's brother, Terry was evacuated from SE Memorial in our area to Memorial City about 45 minutes from us. Terry is still in the hospital for right now. At this point, Mike's dad is the only one whose home is not liveable. He's been working with FEMA to get something worked out for his situation.

We have a few stores starting to open back cold foods at all, just canned items, but at least they're starting to open back up. Gas is $3.89 now...back up from 3.22 in our area of town, but there are more stations opening up for gas now also.

All in all...we were very blessed, we have very minor damages...nothing like so much of Houston and the surrounding areas have had. So once again...Thank you God !


i hope these links work, the first is from a Volunteer Surfside Fireman, the 2nd is ones Naomi took, some hours b4 the storm.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Congrats.... to Salvador Vazquez M. D.

This is Randy's (Aunt Mary Nell's son) son-in-law....


Monday, September 8, 2008

Gustav Damage Update--Claudia

Hi All,

Just wanted to say that we returned home tonight (finally got electricity). We had no real damage (only fencing, a few tree branches, and storm debris from others yards!!).

If you sent something that I needed to respon to, please resend it. I got rid of all 500 emails that I received while not on the net!!! If we have to evacuate again (possibly Thursday for Ike), I will send out another email. Until then ...... glad to be home.

Hope all made out ok for Gustave!!


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Gustav Damage Update--9/7/08

Vickie didn't get her elecrticy back on yet. Claudia and family are going to stay with her daughter until they find out what Ike is going to do. Cary is having some problems with spiting blood and Grady is still passing blood from his kidneys.

Love to all,
Aunt Mary Nell

Not sure what these problems are from, but as soon as we find out, we'll let u know...


Friday, September 5, 2008

Hurricane Gustav Update...

This is from Aunt Mary Nell...


They think Vickie's electricity will be back on tomorrow,the food in her freezer is still good,us pray that they will get the electricy on tomorrow.
Claudia said they will stay with her daughter until they can get her power back on as CARY and Edgar can't stand the heat.
Edgar is having trouble with kidney stones and need to get back to his Dr.
Take care and I love all of you.


Hurricane Gustav Damage Information...

This is from Aunt Mary soon as we find out more, we'll let u know...


Vickie is at Melba's, her house had some damage to the electric unit and she will get it fixed soon. Claudia still can't get into her place for the down trees and power lines, she has gone back to Jeane's. Gerald and Tina are going back tomorrow as they said they have cleared the roads to thier house.


Aunt Mary Nell

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Evacuation News...

Not sure if this is the latest, but this is what Uncle Charles just told my dad today...our evacuees are planning on heading back home sometime Friday am when they are allowed back into their cities. As soon as we hear news, I'll get it posted for you...

